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Big Starz Childcare Center & Preschool Toddlers

Our Toddler Program is very engaging. We provide a Spanish program for our toddlers, which has been proven to help with toddlers confidence in speaking in public and to others. Your child will be able to effectively communicate their needs with caregivers and peers, which will lead to a much more nurturing learning environment Story Time is immensely entertaining which builds and promotes listening skills along with a variety of silly, fun songs which will help your toddler’s imagination continue to expand while they learn se important skills needed for the next developmental level. We build creativity as our classrooms are designed with building the toddlers imagination in mind.


Our Toddler program is geared to ensuring that your child's academic foundation is strong, and that your child can demonstrate all that they have maintained during their tenure in the toddler class.  By the end of their toddler year at Big Starz they should:

  • Understand quantity and numbers, as well as the concepts of distance, weight, dimensions, and time
  • Understand patterns, shapes, and age appropriate mathematical problem solving
  • Demonstrate an understanding of community, culture, ethnicity, and geography
  • Demonstrate an awareness of community economics and how events are related
  • Participate in dance, visual arts, voice and drama while exploring the use of instruments and objects to express creativity


Our highly trained teachers will ensure that your toddler will get the necessary foundation of the following:

  • Develop self-awareness
  • Engage in self-expression
  • Demonstrate self-control
  • Develop relationships and social skills with adults
  • Develop relationships and social skills with peers


With all of the training and teaching your toddler will receive on a daily basis they will leave the Toddler Program with the following:

  • Practice safe, healthy habits
  • Participate in activities related to nutrition
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the body in space and its relationship to objects in space
  • Use senses to explore the environment and process information
  • Develop gross motor skills
  • Develop fine motor skills
  • Demonstrates initiative and self-direction
  • Demonstrates interest and curiosity
  • Sustains attention to a specific activity and demonstrates persistence
  • Engages in a progression of individualized and imaginative play
  • Demonstrates a cooperative and flexible approach to play
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